您所在的位置:首頁 > 電源技術(shù) > 解決方案 > InfineonICLS8082G帶PFC和調(diào)光的離線LED控制方案



Infineon公司的 ICLS8082G是集成了800 V CoolMOS®帶PFC和調(diào)光的離線LED控制器,功率因速大于98%,和其它通用的解決方案相比,效率有大幅度提高,器件工作電壓高達26V,功耗低.并具有多種安全保障.主要用在100W / 60W / 40W 白熾燈泡替代,LED燈管等. 本文介紹了ICLS8082G產(chǎn)品亮點和主要特性,方框圖,典型應(yīng)用電路以及評估板EVAL-LED-ICLS8082G-B2主要特性和指標(biāo),電路圖,材料清單,變壓器設(shè)計圖與PCB元件布局圖.

Offline LED Controller For PFC And Dimming With Integrated 800 V CoolMOS®

The ICLS8082G employs a quasi-resonant operation mode optimized for off-line LED lighting, especially for dimmable LED bulbs for replacement of incandescent lamps.

Precise PWM generation enables primary control for phase-cut dimming and high power factors (PF) > 98 %. It offers significantly improved driver efficiency, up to 90 %, compared to other conventional solutions. The product has a wide operation range (up to 26 V) of IC voltage supply and lower power consumption. Multiple safety functions ensure full system protection in failure situations.

With its full feature set and simple application, the ICLS8082G represents an outstanding choice for quasiresonant flyback LED bulb designs combining the feature set and performance at minimum BOM cost.


• Quasi-resonant control for highly efficient LED driving solutions

• Primary-side flyback control with integrated PFC and phase-cut dimming

• High-voltage CoolMOS® and startup cell for short "time to light"

• Best-in-class system BOM for dimmable LED bulbs with the integrated CoolMOS®

• Miniatuarization with the integrated CoolMOS®


• High, stable efficiency over a wide operating range

• Optimized for trailing- and leading-edge dimmers

• Precise PWM for primary PFC and dimming control

• Startup cell for Vcc precharging with constant current

• Built-in digital soft start

• Foldback correction and cycle-by-cycle peak current limitation

• VCC over/undervoltage lockout

• Auto restart mode for short-circuit protection

• Adjustable latch-off mode for output overvoltage protection


100W / 60W / 40W incandescent bulb replacement

Lamp retrofits, LED tubes / luminaires, downlights ? ?




The EVAL-LED-ICLS8082G-B2 is a demoboard to demonstrate the LED specific quasi-resonat controller ICLS8082G with integrated CoolMOS® in an LED Bulb Driver application.




• Quasi-Resonant operation for efficient LED Controller

• Integrated Controller and High Voltage CoolMOS® and start-up Cell

• Miniaturization Possible with the integrated CoolMOS®

• Improved THD < 20 % at typical value of 230V

• Secondary and primary side control feasible

• Energy efficient phase cut dimming

• Precise PWM for PFC and primary side dimming control

• Power cell for VCC pre-charging with constant current

• Built-in digital soft-start

• Foldback correction and cycle-by-cycle peak current limitation

• Auto restart mode for output overvoltage protection

• Auto restart mode for short circuit protection

• Snubber Circuit to limit the voltage spikes caused by the transformer leakge inductance to safe value.This limits the avalanche losses of CoolMOS® transistor.




圖6.EVAL-LED-ICLS8082G-B2 變壓器設(shè)計圖

圖7.評估板EVAL-LED-ICLS8082G-B2 PCB布局圖:上:底部,下:上部.

