// i2c.vhd
// ????????????? Copyright 2004 Actel corporation
// Version 1.2? 06/04/04 J.Vorgert - working file
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module i2c (Reset_n, CLK, INIT, IENB, IADDR, IDATA, ICLK, UPDT,
??????????? UENB, UADDR, UDATA, SDI, SDO, SCK);
input Reset_n;? /* active low reset */
input CLK??? ;? /* processor clock? */
output INIT?? ;? /* high during init */
output IENB?? ;? /* low to enable write */
output [7:0] IADDR? ;? /* init address */
output [7:0] IDATA? ;? /* init data */
output ICLK?? ;? /* init clock */
input UPDT?? ;? /* high to trigger mirror image update */
output UENB?? ;? /* low to enable fifo */
input [7:0] UADDR; /* write address */
input [7:0] UDATA;? /* write data */
input SDI??? ;? /* serial input */
output SDO??? ; /* active low open-drain drive enable - data */
output SCK??? ; /* active low open-drain drive enable - clock */
reg IENB;
reg INIT;
reg UENB;
reg BTCK;
wire STEN;????
reg? [3:0] CSTATE;??
reg? [3:0] BCNT? ;?
reg? [7:0] CCNT? ;?
reg DLY???? ;
reg D2 ;
wire D2I;
wire NKI???? ;
reg NACK??? ;
wire WRI???? ;
wire RDI???? ;
reg [8:0] BYTE?? ;
reg [8:0] SDATA? ;
wire LD_BYTE? ;
reg STSP???? ;
wire CTL_VAL? ;
always @ (posedge CLK or negedge Reset_n)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? BTCK <= 1'b0;
? else
???? BTCK <= #1 !BTCK;
// INIT is set at power-up and cleared when the state machine
// reaches state 0101.
always @ (negedge Reset_n or posedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? INIT <= 1'b1;
? else if(CSTATE == 4'b0101)
??????? INIT <= #1 1'b0 ;
// This state machine is set-up to read/write data to an AT24C02A
// serial Flash memory
//這個(gè)狀態(tài)機(jī)是建立AT24C02A串行閃存" title="串行閃存">串行閃存的數(shù)據(jù)讀寫
// At power-up, the INIT bit is set, and the state machine executes
// a 'sequencial read' operation starting at address 0x000 and
// procedding until all 256 bytes have been read and forwarded into
// the internal memory block. The state machine then sends a
// stop bit to the Flash and clears the INIT control bit.
//在上電" title="上電">上電時(shí),INIT被設(shè)置為高,狀態(tài)機(jī)從地址0x000開始執(zhí)行“連續(xù)讀”操作,
// The state machine then waits for updt to be set.
// When the updt bit is set, the interface asserts u_enb low on a
// falling-edge of clk and addr/data is latched? on the next falling edge
// (rd_clk should be on the rising-edge).? The state machine writes
// data to the external FLASH memory one byte at a time whenever
// updt is asserted high.? If the FIFO remains 'not empty' then this
// block will poll the NVM until it is ready, and then proceed with
// a write cycle for the next byte.
// State Machine:
// 0000 - reset state:?? generate a start bit and load 0xA0 command
// 0001 - send byte:???? then load 0x00 address
// 0010 - send byte:???? generate a start bit and load 0xA1 command
// 0011 - send byte:???? clear byte count
// 0100 - receive byte:? if cnt /= FF: ack, cnt++, goto 0004 else: nack
// 0101 - stop:????????? assert stop bit and loop until updt = 1 - then
//?????????????????????? generate a start bit and load A0
// 0110 - send byte:???? send byte - if nack - goto 0101, else load Address
// 0111 - send byte:???? send data byte, load data
// 1000 - send byte:???? goto 0101
// In practice, the state machine is just a counter that starts at zero
// and counts up, then jumps back to 101 and counts up again,
// returning to zero only when reset_n is asserted low.
assign STEN = ( BCNT[3] == 1'b1 &&
????????????????? (CSTATE[2] != 1'b1 || CSTATE[2:1] == 2'b11 ||
?????????????????? CSTATE[3]? == 1'b1 || (CSTATE == 4'b0100 && CCNT == 8'b11111111) ||
????????????????? (CSTATE == 4'b0101 && UPDT == 1'b1)))?1'b1:1'b0;
always @(negedge Reset_n or negedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)?
???? CSTATE <= 4'b0000;
? else
? begin
? if(STEN == 1'b1 && BTCK == 1'b0)
??????? begin
???????? if(CSTATE < 4'b0101 && NACK == 1'b1)
?????????? CSTATE <= #1 4'b0000 ;
??????? end
?? else
??????? begin
??????? if (CSTATE[3] == 1'b1 || NACK == 1'b1)
????????? CSTATE <= #1 4'b0101 ;
??????? else
????????? CSTATE <= #1 CSTATE + 1'b1 ;
??????? end
? end
// The bit counter (BCNT) is cleared at the state transition
// and during the first cycle of state '0011' (for start bit).
// incremented on the falling-edge of clk when BTCK is low.
//比特計(jì)數(shù)器在過渡狀態(tài)時(shí)和在狀態(tài)“0011”(起始比特)第一個(gè)" title="第一個(gè)">第一個(gè)循環(huán)期間被清空。
always @ (negedge Reset_n or negedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? begin
???? BCNT <= 4'b0000;
???? DLY? <= 1'b0;
???? end
? else
??? begin
???? if(BTCK == 1'b0)
?????? begin
?????? if(BCNT[3] == 1'b1 && CSTATE == 4'b0010)
????????? DLY <= #1 1'b1;
?????? else
????????? DLY <= 1'b0;
?????? if(BCNT[3] == 1'b1 || (CSTATE == 4'b0011 && DLY == 1'b1))
????????? BCNT <= #1 4'b0000;
?????? else
????????? BCNT <= #1 BCNT + 1'b1;
?????? end
??? end
// The byte counter (CCNT) is cleared in state 0011.
// It is incremented during the ACK bit after each
// byte transfer in state 0100 to count 0x00-0xFF bytes
// as they are read from the NVM.? ccnt is used both as
// a control signal and as the iaddr output.
assign D2I = (BTCK == 1'b1 && BCNT[3] == 1'b1 && CSTATE == 4'b0100)?1'b1:1'b0;
always @ (negedge Reset_n or negedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
?? begin
???? CCNT <= 8'b0;
???? D2?? <= 1'b0;
?? end
? else
?? begin
???? D2 <= #1 D2I;
???? if(CSTATE == 4'b0011)
??????? CCNT <= #1 8'b0;
???? else if(D2 == 1'b1)
??????? CCNT <= #1 CCNT + 1'b1;
???? end
// the following logic checks the ACK bit for all states except
// states '0100' and '0101' and asserts NACK if the data pin is
// high during the 9th bit of any transfer.? This is registered
// so that the value is present during state changes.
assign NKI = (BCNT[3] == 1'b1 && CSTATE != 4'b0100 && CSTATE != 4'b0101 && SDI == 1'b1)?1'b1:1'b0;
always @ (negedge Reset_n or posedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? NACK <= 1'b0;
? else if(BTCK == 1'b1)
???? NACK <= #1 NKI;
// Write enables are cleared to 1 at power-up and are asserted low during
// ACK in state 0100.
assign WRI = (CSTATE == 4'b0100 && BCNT[3] == 1'b1 && BTCK == 1'b1)?1'b0:1'b1;
always @ (negedge Reset_n or negedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? IENB <= 1'b1;
? else
???? IENB <= #1 WRI;
assign IADDR = CCNT[7:0];?? /* use byte count as address */
assign IDATA = SDATA[8:1];? /* account for ACK bit */
assign ICLK = !BTCK;?????????? /* invert BTCK and use the rising-edge of this signal as */
???????????????????????????? /*the write clock into internal SRAM */
// UENB is cleared to 1 at power-up and is asserted low in state 0111
// while BCNT=7 and BTCK=1.? It is clocked on the falling-edge
// of CLK so RD_CLK should occur on the rising-edge.
assign RDI = (CSTATE == 4'b0111 && BCNT == 4'b0111? && BTCK == 1'b1)?0:1;
always @ ( negedge Reset_n or negedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? UENB? <= 1'b1;
? else
???? UENB <= #1 RDI;
// The value that gets loaded into sdata is determined
// by which state we're exiting...
always @ (CSTATE or UDATA or UADDR)
? case (CSTATE)
??? 4'b0000 :? BYTE = 9'b101000001; /* A0 */
??? 4'b0010 :? BYTE = 9'b101000011; /* A1 */
??? 4'b0101 :? BYTE = 9'b101000001; /* A0 */
??? 4'b0110 :? BYTE = {UADDR,1'b1};
??? 4'b0111 :? BYTE = {UDATA,1'b1};
??? default :? BYTE = 9'b000000001; /* 0001,0011 */
? endcase
// The data register is 9 bits long (BYTE and ACK bit)
// It is parallel loaded during the ACK cycle in states
// 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0101, 0110, and 0111;
//在狀態(tài)0000,0001,0010,0101,0110和0111狀態(tài)的ACK循環(huán)時(shí),這些都是平行加載" title="加載">加載的。
assign LD_BYTE = (BCNT[3] == 1'b1 && BTCK == 1'b0 && CSTATE != 4'b0100 && CSTATE[3] == 1'b0)?1'b1:1'b0;
always @ (negedge Reset_n or negedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? SDATA <= 9'b111111111;
? else
???? begin
???? if(LD_BYTE == 1'b1)
??????? SDATA <= #1 BYTE;
???? else if((CSTATE != 4'b0101 && CSTATE != 4'b0100 && BTCK == 1'b0 && DLY == 1'b0) ||
?????????? (CSTATE == 4'b0100 && BTCK == 1'b1))
??????????? SDATA <= #1 {SDATA[7:0],SDI};
???? end
// Start bits (data falling while BTCK is high) are generated as
// we exit states 0000, 0010, and 0101; stop bits (data rising
// while BTCK is high) are generated as we enter state 0101.
// This is done with the STSP signal.
//起始位(數(shù)據(jù)下降當(dāng)BTCK為高)產(chǎn)生于退出狀態(tài)0000,0010和0101 時(shí);
always @ (negedge Reset_n or negedge CLK)
? if(Reset_n == 1'b0)
???? STSP? <= 1'b1;
? else
??? begin
???? if(((CSTATE == 4'b0000 || CSTATE == 4'b0101) && STEN == 1'b1 && BTCK == 1'b1) || (CSTATE == 4'b0011))
??????? STSP <= #1 1'b0;
???? else if((CSTATE == 4'b0101 && BCNT == 4'b0000 && BTCK == 1'b1) ||
?????????? (CSTATE == 4'b0010 && BCNT[3] == 1'b1))
??????? STSP <= #1 1'b1;
??? end
// The serial output is driven either by stsp when
// outen is low, or by the MSBit of the shift register
// when oten is high.
assign CTL_VAL = (STSP == 1'b1 || (CSTATE == 4'b0100 && (BCNT[3] != 1'b1 || CCNT == 8'b11111111)))?1'b1:1'b0;
assign SDO = (CSTATE == 4'b0000 || DLY == 1'b1 || CSTATE == 4'b0100 || CSTATE == 4'b0101)?CTL_VAL:SDATA[8];
assign SCK = (BTCK == 1'b1 || (STSP == 1'b1 && (CSTATE == 4'b0000 || CSTATE == 4'b0101)))?1'b1:1'b0;